The Shay Rebellion | Christopher Shay

Dispatch from Xinjiang: Searching for Jade in Hotan

China has inserted a ring of jade inlay in the 2008 Olympic medals. It makes perfect sense—for thousands of years, jade has represented all that is desirable in a person and a ruler in China. The value of jade transcends mere money—there’s a Chinese saying that “Gold is valuable, but jade is invaluable.” It’s so invaluable, in fact, that Hotan jade sells for a whopping $120 a gram. Confucius wrote that the stone has eleven virtues which people should emulate to ensure a harmonious society. Today, it also represents a twelfth idea: to get rich is glorious.

The jade from the Yorungkash, the river that flows through Hotan, was given directly to the Imperial Palace. Emperors often sought out Hotan’s “mutton-fat” jade as symbols of the wisdom of their rule. In the Book of Rites from about 300 BC, Li Ji wrote, “If a ruler perfectly observes the rites of the state, white jade will appear in the valley.” Not wanting to take chances, the Ming Court paid exorbitant amounts for Hotan jade to ensure the appearance of receiving tributes of white jade—proof that the Imperial Court had followed the proper rites. People have been overpaying for jade ever since.

Today, next to the Yorungkash River is a used-car lot. Norlan, my Uighur guide in Hotan, told me that people have discovered large pieces of jade and then walked out of the river bed and immediately exchanged it for a car. Thousands of people for thousands of years have walked in and along the river turning over rocks looking for the precious stone.

The day I searched for jade, the sky was grey; the ground was grey; even the river was an opaque grey. There was no foilage on the banks of the river—the entire scene was just grey. But as I found out, when you immediately pull a rock from the water, its colors look brilliant—every white rock looks like “mutton-fat.” Jade comes in shades of brown, green, red, and black—which means every rock that had even a hint of color appeared to have real jade hues. Norlan, my volunteer guide, and I slowly built up a pile of rocks that might possibly be jade, but as soon as the rock dried, the color disappeared, and we were left with a pile of grey rocks. We didn’t find anything—let alone something we could exchange for a car. I guess after thousands of years the jade is pretty picked over.

Dispatch from Xinjiang: Uighur Food in Hotan

Fatty lamb spiced with cumin, chili peppers, and an herb called zir brought me to Xinjiang. While there, I happily put myself on a spiced lamb and starch diet.

For hundreds of years, cooking practices and spices flowed along the Silk Road from Central Asia to China and back again. At the center of this trade was what is now Xinjiang. Not surprisingly, Uighurs developed a cuisine that reflects the region’s history as a bridge between cultures. This delicious hybrid cuisine differentiates itself from neighboring cuisines with its masterful use of spices. Cumin and saffron arrived from the west and star anise and Sichuan pepper flakes came from the east. Uighur cooks will carefully mix these spices from around the globe and put them on big, fatty pieces of lamb.

You can eat this lamb most famously with hand-pulled noodles and peppers (laghman), in a rice pilaf (polo), or on skewers. In each of these the lamb is prepared differently, and each of these is delicious. Typically the lamb skewers have one piece of meat that is just a hunk of spiced fat—somehow though, it’s tender and not chewy.

In Hotan—a city along a southern Silk Road route—I ate polo, a Uighur rice pilaf. The lamb had been steamed with the rice, making the rice oily with fat. Two softball-sized chunks of lamb were then plopped on the bed of rice. The cooks mixed in some shredded carrots, a small amount of yogurt, and spices. It’s a simple dish, but in its mix of spices one can taste the history of Silk Road.

And it’s delicious.

Dispatch from Xinjiang: Yarkand

In Yarkand, a city southeast of Kashgar, about a dozen members of the People’s Liberation Army were loitering outside my hotel with wooden clubs.

By this point in my trip, I was fed up with the Chinese military. Max and I were supposed to spend the night in the Taklamakan Desert instead of a dodgy hotel filled with middle-aged prostitutes (it was the only hotel allowed to take-in foreigners), but the government changed the rule the day we arrived, prohibiting foreigners from overnight treks in the desert. We’d been told that the military was taking up the entirety of a desert larger than the state of Oregon looking for terrorists sneaking in to spoil the Olympics. I’d lucked out at Karakul—two days after I’d went to the lake, the military started turning people away who didn’t have some special stamp.

From the taxis of Urumqi to the donkey carts of Kashgar to the camels of Tashkurgan, one travels in all sorts of ways, but one thing remains constant—no matter the mode of transportation: military checkpoints. From Urumqi to Kashgar, the bus stopped at least six times at police or military checkpoints; from Kashgar to Tashkurgan I went through two more military checkpoints, and from Kashgar to Yarkand, I went through three more. Generally, an army or police officer would simply glare at the Uighur passengers, leaving me in peace—though I was hassled on a couple of occasions.

Frustrating tourists and trying to intimidate its Uighur population will not win China any friends nor will it deter terrorism. Encouraging tourism in Xinjiang would better increase China’s national security by bringing revenue to struggling Uighur cities. Poverty and resentment breed terrorism—not Americans taking photos of camels in a desert.

Dispatch from Xinjiang: Kashgar #3

In Ugandan English, there are three terms for going to the bathroom: short call, long call, and fast call. Short call and long call mean exactly what you think they do, and fast call means that you need to find a toilet—immediately.

One night in Kashgar was dominated by fast calls. Max, a fellow PiAer who I’d met up with in Tashkurgan, and I were planning to ride camels in the Taklamakan Desert the next day—that is, until he told me his idea for an Imodium commercial:

Two strapping young lads are riding camels in the middle of the desert, laughing and chatting while bobbing up and down on their respective dromedaries. Suddenly, the camera zooms in on the man with brown hair. His eyes grow wide. The frame freezes, and the Imodium slogan appears on-screen: Where Will You Be?

We decided to stay in Kashgar one more day. I watched Die Hard 4 in my hotel room.

Dispatch from Xinjiang: Returning to Kashgar

Note: Serik (still) does not exist. In order to protect the people who talked to me in Kashgar, I’ve created “Serik.” The quotes in this piece are real, but they are not from a single person and not all from Kashgar. Obviously, details have been changed, and the story altered, but it does hint at my very real experiences in Kashgar.

We should’ve known Serik’s good mood wouldn’t last when, instead of getting a beer, he ordered a small bottle of baijiu, a potent rice liquor, just for himself.

Earlier in the day, I went back to Serik’s workshop. Initially, Serik was in great spirits—he’d just met up with a friend from his old band, whom he hadn’t seen for six years. He decided that he’d take us outside the city where we’d relax, enjoy the nice weather and listen to his friend play the dutar, a two-stringed Uighur guitar. It was supposed to be a low-key night.

We were sitting on carpet laid out on the grass when Serik ordered the his baijiu. Throughout the world, dispossessed peoples have higher rates of drug and alcohol addiction than the general populace, and Xinjiang is no exception. An increasing number of alienated Uighur males have turned to the bottle. The problem is further exacerbated, because mäshräps—grass-roots, Islamic social groups designed to supply substitute activities for drinking—were banned by the Chinese government in July of 1995.

Government surveillance of that night confirmed for me China’s suspicion of Uighur gatherings. Across the street, a lone man on a scooter watched us for half an hour, left for a few minutes, and then returned to a different location to stare at us. I have no doubt that he was a member of the Public Security Bureau keeping tabs on which Uighurs were talking to foreigners.

By the time the gawker on a scooter had switched positions, Serik was drunk. He saw a friend of his mother’s, a wealthy businessman who did business in Afghanistan. Rich Man had a steely gaze and was constantly smirking. He refused my “foreigner beer” and was rude to Serik, accusing him (accurately) of being a poor alcoholic. Serik responded belligerently. I decided it was a good time to leave and, feeling responsible for Serik’s state, I took Serik with me.

We jumped in a taxi, but Serik told the cabdriver, who didn’t understand English or Chinese, to take us to a store. Serik “needed” me to buy him more baijiu. During the cab ride as I’m refusing to buy him more alcohol, he’s yelling, “My mind says ‘no,’ but my body says ‘yes.’” At the store, he storms out of the taxi, and I follow him outside to the curb. Distraught, he tells me if don’t buy him just one bottle of baijiu, he’ll break the store window and steal it.

After spending some time trying to calm him down, I tell Serik, referring to something we’d toasted to earlier, “I’m trying to help you. Remember the power of friendship?”

With that comment something in Serik clicked.

“You’re right! You could have kept going, but you got out.” At which point, I walked a happy Serik back to his shop. He was in a good mood again; he’d beat an urge to drink.

That night was Serik’s birthday.

Dispatch from Xinjiang: Hitchhiking the Karakoram Hwy

From Karakul to Tashkurgan, a city near the China-Pakistan border, one continues on Karakorum Highway along an old path of the Silk Road up the mountains and then down into a small oasis. The highway has been dubbed both the “ninth wonder of the world,” and “the most beautiful road in the world.”

Not wanting to take a cramped bus that might limit my views, I decided I would hitchhike the one hundred kilometers. It’s still quite common along the Karakoram, and as I waited, I saw many other vehicles already filled with hitchhikers. “It’s safe,” I thought to myself, “Nothing will happen. I’m certain.”

After about thirty minutes, a red truck stopped to pick me up. Mouth agape, I stared unabashedly out the window at the naked ridges and barren scree. The Karakoram Highway supplies the grandest views of nature I’ve seen from an automobile, but it has none of the intimacy of Highway One on the West Coast. Along the Karakoram, the plains are vast; the mountain peaks are perennially hidden in clouds, and the vegetation is sparse. You don’t feel close to nature; you’re made to feel insignificant by it.

But after only about thirty minutes of enjoying the view, the truck came to a slow halt. The driver calmly jumped out, futzed with his engine, and looked underneath the truck. He then walked around to the passenger side, shrugged his shoulders, and gave me an apologetic look. He never said a word, but the message was clear: We’d broken down, and there was nothing he could do about it.

I got out and waited by the side of a road. With the help of the driver, I flagged down a 1980s GM compact car. The vehicle already had three hitchhikers and a driver. I squeezed in the back, and we were off.

As we approached Tashkurgan, one comes across a large billboard of a Han man and woman in police uniform saluting. As if on cue, the four other people in the car saluted back at the advertisement and then proceeded to burst into laughter. Clearly, these were not fans of the police.

The rest of the trip proceeded without incident, and I ended up in Tashkurgan, pleased that I’d hitchhiked for the first time, but less than enthusiastic about trying it on the way back. Being stuck at an elevation of about 4,000 meters should only happen once a trip.

Dispatch from Xinjiang: Karakul Day 2

He was singing to me in Kyrgyz. It was just the two of us walking around a lake near Karakul. When the local Kyrgyz man stopped singing, I gave him a big smile and and a thumbs up. Then, he asked me to sing “America” to him.

I’m not really sure why I chose the song I chose, but there I was surrounded by mountains near the Pakistan-China border belting out “Wonderwall” by Oasis. Despite it’s unAmerican origins and my terrible pitch, I sang the entire song, and he clapped enthusiastically at the end.

As we hiked, he taught me Kyrgyz, and he even called me his “lakshma doosh,” or good friend. After we’d circled the lake, he invited me into his home. Inside, every surface of his two-room house was covered with red carpets and tapestries, some beautifully hand-woven and others machine-made with kitschy, red roses. The house smelled of camel poop, sheep, and chai—a surprisingly pleasant aroma.

His family, however, was considerably more excited by my camera than by me. I didn’t have my flash with me so none of the photos turned out, but they didn’t care. I’d snap a photo or let one his kids take one and immediately the whole family would crowd around the camera looking at the screen giggling and pointing.

We moved to the other room in his house and sat cross-legged on the carpet, while his wife and teen-aged daughter made yak milk tea for me and four his friends. In the background, a television played black and white Kyrgyz rock videos. Abruptly, the five men left, leaving me with his three kids and wife.

I thanked his family in Kyrgyz and reached into my backpack. I happened to have three stickers from my kickball league team back in Portland, Dolph and the Accusers, which I gave to each of his kids. There’s a family in Xinjiang right now who thinks Dolph and the Accusers is a hip American band instead of a motley team of French teachers, photographers, and editors. Though with the singing talent I demonstrated, it’s probably best that it remains just a kickball team.

Dispatch from Xinjiang: Karakul and the Wireless Sublime

In 18th and 19th century, German Romantic poets and painters would venture into the Black Forest to experience the “natural sublime,” that feeling of the immeasurable vastness of nature overwhelming the viewer with grandeur and power. If Germany’s Black Forest could make Caspar David Friedrich and the rest of his Romantic ilk swoon, then surely, if one of them had ever set foot by Karakul, they would have exploded.

To say Karakul is a big lake surrounded by big mountains doesn’t really justice to it. In one direction is Kongur Tagh, a 25,095 foot mountain, and in another is Muztagh Ata, which has an elevation of ‘only’ 24,757 feet. Everything feels proportionate to these peaks—the talus fields and ridges are twice as long and twice as high as anything I’ve seen trekking in the US. Needless to say, it’s a good place to experience the natural sublime.

This is where I spent two nights alone in a yurt with my Kyrgyz host, Anidin. But even amidst these grand mountains and plateaus, there’s cell phone reception. I found this out, because Anidin calls his wife in Kashgar everyday—usually twice. Not understanding Kyrgyz, I have no idea what they talk about, but it’s easy to hear the timbre of Anidin‘s voice change and to see him smiling long after their talks. Maybe making the “lovey-dovey” voice when you care about someone is a cultural universal like laughing when happy or crying when sad. Regardless, you don’t have to be an expert anthropologist to see that Anidin is still head over heels for his wife, Bezura.

After spending time in his yurt, I was as overwhelmed with the connection between Anidin and Bezura as anything coming from the Pamir mountains. For the two of them, there’s nothing more sublime than a cell phone.

Dispatch from Xinjiang: Kashgar

Note: Serik does not exist. In order to protect the people who talked to me in Kashgar, I’ve created a composite character: Serik. The quotes in this piece are real, but they are not from a single person and not all from Kashgar. Obviously, details have been changed, and the story altered.

Serik is frustrated. No one was buying his hats anyways, and then, his sewing machine broke. But one gets the impression that Serik is often frustrated.

“Everyday I see Uighurs line-up—starving—at the mosques hoping for some food, but I only see Chinese at the China Construction Bank.”

He’s also frustrated, because he sees Chinese money coming into Kashgar and not benefiting the Uighur population that still makes up 80% of the city. Serik, like many Uighurs, is struggling to make ends meet. He lives in an eight foot by nine foot room—just large enough for a small bed, a sewing machine, and a chair for guests.

Serik misses the old Kashgar, when there was no such thing as the Old City because all of Kashgar was the Old City.

“The area around the Id Kah mosque used to be interesting. There was a beautiful clock tower, and someone was even living about the clock! Now the area looks like other areas.”

Serik—now in his late 40s—isn’t hoping to live an old-fashioned or religious life. He drinks beer and smokes the local tobacco. He was even the guitarist in a Uighur rock band. After injuring his wrist six years ago, he’s been unable to play, but he still has the tapes. Every now and again, he pulls them out and listens to them, thinking of a time when Kashgar was “interesting.”

“Maybe the young people learning Chinese will have a better chance,” he tells me hopefully. Serik speaks only Uighur and English and feels left behind with the increasing importance of Chinese.

I asked him what he thought the chances of young Chinese-speaking Uighurs were in Kashgar. His response was less hopeful: “I’d prefer not to talk about that.”

FEERful in Xinjiang

I have a short first person account of the military presence in Xinjiang up on the Far Eastern Economic Review website.

It’s my second piece for FEER, but this is the first that you don’t need a subscription to read.